
  • Vasianovych Hryhori
  • Lohvynenko Viktoriia



teacher, interactive method, social work, future social worker, dialogue, discussion, dispute


The article substantiates pedagogical ideas aimed at quality training of the future social worker. In this context, the scientific and logical apparatus is defined, in particular, such concepts as “social work”, “interactive method”, “dialogue”, “dispute”, “discussion”, etc. are analyzed. The professional qualities necessary for effective practical work are considered. It is noted that in the process of training, it is important to orient students to the prediction of their own purposeful activity and its results, as well as forecasting the behavior of clients in various interactions. Considerable attention is paid to the study of the main principles that ensure the process of using interactive methods while training future specialists in the social sphere. In this regard, the contribution of leading domestic and foreign scientists to the study of the issues related to the essence and content of project methods, group presentation, and the role of training in the educational process are analyzed. Not only functional, but also dysfunctional factors while using interactive methods in the process of professional training of future social workers are determined. In particular, technical means can become a source of certain dangers: digital technologies, i.e., auxiliary, technical aspects of educational classes can come to the fore. Dispersion of attention and students’ insufficient level of awareness with the technologies used in the process of interactive learning can cause a shift of attention from the subject to the means of its study. We suggest that in the process of teaching a complex of social work subjects, students’ life experience should be taken into account, and the importance of activity and value components in the process of acquiring a future profession should be meaningfully revealed. The necessity of the teacher’s perfect mastery of modern information and communication technologies of education and training is proven.


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Author Biographies

  • Vasianovych Hryhori

    Doctor of Pedagogies Sciences, Professor, Academic of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Professor of the Department of Social Work, Management and Social Sciences, Lviv State University of Life Safety, Lviv, Ukraine

  • Lohvynenko Viktoriia

    Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Work, Management and Social Sciences Lviv State University of Life Safety, Lviv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

USE OF INTERACTIVE LEARNING METHODS WHILE TRAINING FUTURE SPECIALISTS IN SOCIAL WORK. (2023). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 68, 85-93.