
  • Kochubei Elena



prerequisites, design, pedagogical system, training, future chemistry teachers, use, web technologies, andragogic technologies, informal learning, professional activity


The article reveals the prerequisites for designing a pedagogical system for training future chemistry teachers to use web technologies in professional activities, which is based on socio-didactic prerequisites and conceptual provisions. Based on the results of expert research, three levels of preparation of future teachers for the use of web technologies have been established. (the first minimally necessary level, the second (heuristic) level, the third creative level of training). The principles that form the basis of the selection of the content of the training of future chemistry teachers for the use of web technologies for teaching students have been revealed. Formulated criteria for selecting the content of the informational component when developing a program for training future chemistry teachers of general secondary education institutions to use web technologies in their professional activities: the content of the educational material should contribute to the creation of a flow of information; the selected material must be adapted for applicants of the appropriate level of training; the selected material must contain different types of visibility; the selected practical content should contribute to the construction of models of various objects and the identification of regularities in their functioning; the composition of the content should contribute to the classification and systematization of the flow of information. An expert method was used to select the content of educational information, since this method provides the most valid results in the conditions of incomplete information about the object under investigation. Pedagogical and andragogical technologies were used in combination with the web technology of teaching chemistry to train future teachers according to the developed program. It has been established that the effectiveness of the use of web technologies during the training of future teachers is significantly increased if the use is not episodic, but systematic throughout the entire period of training. The research was conducted on the basis of informal learning. The requirements regarding the level of readiness of the future teacher to use web-technologies for teaching chemistry have been established. The effectiveness of preparing future teachers for the use of web technologies has been proven according to a number of criteria (by the average score, by the quality of knowledge, by the number of excellent grades).


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Author Biography

  • Kochubei Elena

    PhD student Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman, Ukraine


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How to Cite

PREREQUISITES FOR DESIGNING A PEDAGOGICAL SYSTEM FOR THE PREPARATION OF FUTURE CHEMISTRY TEACHERS FOR THE USE OF WEB TECHNOLOGIES IN PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES. (2023). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 68, 106-114.