
  • Khomyak Hryhoriy



integration approach, integration, differentiation, training, future teachers, physical culture, interdisciplinary connections, institutions of higher education, educational process


The article reveals the possibilities of using the integration approach in the training of future physical education teachers. The views of scientists on the understanding of inter-subject connections as a didactic condition that provides as a system of knowledge to students, affects the development of their cognitive abilities, activity, interests, mental activity, and the formation of generalized abilities and skills are analyzed. Various approaches to the classification of intersubject relationships are revealed. A generalized classification of intersubject connections in the learning process is presented. The growing tendency to the process of integration of pedagogical science and practice, the growing dynamics of the development of the integration process, which affects all aspects of education, is revealed. It was established that the experience of integration of sciences should be reflected in three main components of the structure of the content of education, of each academic discipline: in the system of knowledge, which is qualitatively transformed under the influence of interdisciplinary connections; in the system of skills that acquire specificity in educational and cognitive activities that implement interdisciplinary connections; in the system of relations that are formed by educational knowledge in the process of synthesis of knowledge from various disciplines. It has been proven that the integration of academic disciplines is not a chaotic convergence of scientific knowledge, but a logically thought-out learning process that requires the revision of the content and structure of academic disciplines, the strengthening of general ideas and concepts based on interdisciplinary connections. The relevance of the problem of implementing interdisciplinary connections in the system of teaching compulsory disciplines and disciplines of free choice is revealed. The advantages and disadvantages of interdisciplinary connections in the conditions of the growing amount of pedagogical information in higher education institutions are established. The relevance of the problem of interdisciplinary relations for the system of physical culture and pedagogical education is determined. The program of the special seminar "Interaction of young athletes in game sports" was developed to solve the problem of interdisciplinary connections in the training of future physical education teachers. In the process of forming the professional knowledge and skills of the future physical culture teacher, step-by-step programming of teaching methods, their selection taking into account the level of mastery of educational material with the use of interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of theory and methods of physical education, in particular, in such aspects as long-term training of an athlete, teaching methods, is proposed motor action, physical and technical training of an athlete, classification of movements in various types of sports, the nature of the interaction of athletes in the training and competition process.


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Author Biography

  • Khomyak Hryhoriy

    PhD student Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University Uman, Ukraine


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How to Cite

INTEGRATIVE APPROACH IN THE TRAINING OF FUTURE TEACHERS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION. (2023). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 68, 146-154.