
  • Tatiana Ilnitskaya



student of education, medical college, professional medical activity, methods of training future specialists, digitalization of education, information and educational environment, pedagogical conditions, experiment


The article highlights the study of the effectiveness of training students for professional activity in the conditions of digitization of medical college education. The relevance of this issue is related to the need to investigate the feasibility of using innovative technologies for training future specialists in medical colleges. Taking into account the European integration vector of Ukraine's development and changes in the European labor market, due to high competition there is a need to improve the medical education system. In Concept of development of electronic health care (2020). it is noted that in order to achieve effective solutions in most areas, it is information and communication technologies (ICT) that become an important infrastructure. The rapid development of ICT and artificial intelligence is considered in most countries as a basic response to the mentioned challenges. Therefore, without creating an effective system of training medical specialists of all levels in the field of informatization and digitization, it is impossible to solve the problem of medical informatization. The analysis of the works of domestic authors proves that the preparation of future medical specialists for professional activity in accordance with the requirements of modern society is a long-term process and depends not only on mastering the system of theoretical knowledge, but also, most importantly, the complex competencies of future professional activity. A set of pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of informational training of future nursing specialists in the process of studying at a medical college is defined: formation of motivation for the future professional activity of medical college students in theoretical and practical training; step-by-step formation of readiness for professional activity of future nurses; end-to-end application of digital information and communication technologies in the training of medical personnel. It was established, in the experimental research conducted by us, that the implementation of the specified conditions involves the inclusion of active and interactive learning methods in the educational process, which complement traditional pedagogical methods and ensure students' assimilation of digital technologies directly within the educational disciplines of their specialty.


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Author Biography

  • Tatiana Ilnitskaya

    graduate student, Vinnytsia State Pedagogical Kotsyubynsky University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine


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How to Cite

STUDY OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TRAINING FUTURE NURSES FOR PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITALIZATION OF MEDICAL COLLEGES. (2023). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 69, 35-42.