
  • Denyshchuk Inna



parents, children with special educational needs, partnership, effective interaction


The article discusses the issue of interaction with parents of persons with special educational needs for the successful implementation of inclusive education in an educational institution. The basic requirements for an effective partnership are analyzed. The main difficulties that can hinder the productivity of the educational process of a child with special educational needs and building effective cooperation with parents have been identified. Such as: the attitude of parents towards their children; rejection of violation, overt or covert rejection of the child; inadequate assessment of the state and prospects of the child's development; lack of vision of one's role in the implementation of the educational process; insufficient competence regarding the specifics of inclusive education; neglect of suggestions by specialists of the educational institution. Features of psychological and pedagogical support of parents are highlighted. Based on the analysis of scientific works, it was determined that the main goal of psychological and pedagogical support for parents of children with special educational needs is to create a favorable psychological climate for the interaction of parents with members of the support team, increase the pedagogical competence of parents, provide consultations, and expand the knowledge of parents regarding the specifics of the development of children with features of psychophysical development. The article presents options for various forms and methods of cooperation between teachers and parents to organize effective work with families at the level of an educational institution. Among the effective forms of cooperation with parents, individual and group ones are proposed. It has been proven that appropriate work with parents will increase the degree of parental participation in the educational process, expand the influence on the family as one of the most important factors in the favorable socialization of a child with special educational needs, help parents realize their own significance for their child and their role in the educational process. Considerable attention is paid to the role of parents and their active involvement in the educational process of a child with special educational needs. It was determined that a mandatory condition for the effectiveness of cooperation is the participation of parents in the team of psychological and pedagogical support. It is noted that it is the joint work of parents and teachers that will lead to the harmonious and successful development of the child. Based on the analysis of scientific works, it was determined that the main strategies of effective interaction with parents of persons with special educational needs for the successful implementation of inclusive education are the creation of a favorable atmosphere in the educational institution, support, empathy and understanding of parents, building partnership relationships and interpersonal interaction, constant communication of teachers with children and their parents.


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Author Biography

  • Denyshchuk Inna

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Docent of the Department of Psychology and Inclusive Education, Rivne Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education, Rivne, Ukraine


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How to Cite

STRATEGIES FOR EFFECTIVE INTERACTION WITH PARENTS OF PERSONS WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS AT THE LEVEL OF THE INSTITUTION OF EDUCATION. (2023). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 69, 80-90.