
  • Shykyrynska Olexandra
  • Petryshyna Tetiana



Scientific-methodical provision of pre-school education institution, principles of scientificmethodical provision, functions of scientific-methodical support, tasks of scientific-methodical support, principle of priority of independence, principle of corporate cooperation, principle of pre-school support, principle of actualization of advanced pedagogical experience, principle of educational needs development, principle of pedagogical creativity, information-communication technologies, methodical office


In the article the peculiarities of scientific and methodical support of the preschool education institution are revealed. The urgent need to introduce changes to the scientific and methodological support of Ukrainian preschool education institutions was initially caused by the pandemic of the Covid-19, and then by the military condition caused by the russian aggression. The article focuses on the need to introduce changes to the scientific and methodological support of the preschool education institution, in particular, to create conditions for educators to master information and communication technologies in order to ensure remote interaction between the participants of the educational process. Analysis of the directions of modern Ukrainian scientists in improvement of scientific and methodical support of the institution of preschool education (N. Gavrish, O. Kovalenko, K. Krutiy, L. Pisotska, T. Ponomarenko, N. Frolenkova, etc.). Principles (principle of priority of independence, principle of corporate cooperation, principle of advisory support, principle of actualization of advanced pedagogical experience, principle of educational needs development, principle of pedagogical creativity) and functions of scientificmethodical support of educational process of preschool education (informational-analytical, motivationaltarget, planning-prognostic, organizational-executive, regulatory-educational-methodical support) were considered. diagnostic-generalizing). The task was set for the creation of scientific and methodological support in the preschool education institution. Such tasks consist in development and implementation of the program-methodical base of the preschool education institution, creation of educational-methodical and educational-point manuals, in particular, on training of teachers of information-communication technologies on providing of remote interaction with participants of educational process, electronic educational-methodical manuals for training of pupils in ability of programs to create interactive developing content for children development; dissemination and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience; organization of cooperation with other educational institutions to increase the effectiveness of software implementation; Analysis of the state of educational work and the level of development of the child in accordance with the tasks of preschool education, the basic component of preschool education; preparation, retraining and advanced qualification of teachers of the system of preschool education, use of modern scientific researches in development, training and education of children of early and preschool age. The following forms of methodical work are defined: Individual: Practical advice, consulting, identification of prospective pedagogical experience, informing, pedagogical teaching, self-education; collective/group: activity of creative groups, methodical unification, activity of pedagogical council, seminars, workshops, trainings, master classes, collective views, business games, case-technology, creative cities. Requirements to filling the methodical office of the preschool education institution are considered: Information and content, modern, accessibility, satisfaction of teachers' needs in selfdevelopment and self-improvement; esthetics.


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Author Biographies

  • Shykyrynska Olexandra

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Ph. D.), Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool Education Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Vinnytsia, Ukraina

  • Petryshyna Tetiana

    assistant of the department of preschool education Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Vinnytsia, Ukraine


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How to Cite

PECULIARITIES OF SCIENTIFIC AND METHODICAL SUPPORT IN PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. (2023). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 69, 100-107.