
  • Votiakova Lesia




scientific and methodical work of future teachers; self-education; training of future mathematics teachers; development of creative activity; modern school; quality of education; cognitive process; mathematical creativity


The article reveals the effectiveness of qualitative scientific and methodological work of future teachers at pedagogical universities, as an important component of a holistic educational and pedagogical process. Because future teachers should be able to implement the modern educational model in new conditions and with new methods at a new scientific and methodological level. A comprehensive system of actions and measures aimed at improving the qualifications and skills of teachers has been established. Here are described the basics of developing the theory and methodology of postgraduate self-education of a mathematics teacher and the creation of appropriate methodological support aimed at forming his intellectual competence and increasing professionalism. The first thing we decided on was the educational environment in which the self-education activity of the teacher should take place. Taking into account the fact that when developing the content and technologies of self-education, the main reference point is the components of the cognitive process in mathematics, it is natural that such an educational environment should be certain sections of mathematics, within which problems (problems) are solved that lead to the creation of a mathematical structure, if we are talking about internal research, so to speak, and before the construction of a mathematical model, if we are talking about application. The crown of such creation is a certain mathematical theory. The chosen strategic directions of mathematics development and the methods dominant in them became the methodological basis of the developed methods of self-education. Central among them is a technique based on the construction of mathematical objects in an accessible educational environment through the thematic legalization and technologization of methods. Such construction is carried out on two levels: - construction of an isomorphic model and development based on it by the method of transferring known facts to "new" objects of fragments of the theory (trigonometric functions associated with an oblique coordinate system, complex numbers, quaternions; – construction of new algebras of hypercomplex numbers. Also, the connection between methodical work, self-education of teachers and the development of research skills, creativity and creativity was analyzed. Three groups of methods of forming independent educational activities of future teachers are identified and described. The direction of the cognitive process in mathematics is established. Also, in the article you will learn how it is possible to improve the quality of education of students and the level of professional competence of teachers.


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Author Biography

  • Votiakova Lesia

    Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University Vinnytsia, Ukraine


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How to Cite

EXPERIMENTAL AND SCIENTIFIC-METHODICAL WORK AS A FORM OF MATHEMATICS TEACHER’S SELF-EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY. (2023). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 69, 108-116. https://doi.org/10.31652/2412-1142-2023-69-108-116