
  • Konopkina Lyudmyla
  • Myronenko Olena
  • Botvinikiva Larysa
  • Huba Yuliya
  • Krykhtina Mariia




high medical education, postgraduate education, interactive teaching methods,


Interactive teaching methods are increasingly being used in higher medical education and postgraduate education. The method of learning with active involvement of students is more effective in mastering professional competencies. Interactive methods are a form of learning in the form of conversation and dialog. The method involves cooperation and mutual learning: teacher – student, student – student, where all participants are equal subjects of learning. The purpose of our study was to develop and demonstrate the effectiveness of learning by interns studying in the specialty of internal medicine through the use of interactive teaching methods. The research has been carried out with 36 first-year interns. During the seminar session, the following methods were used: “interactive presentation”, “analysis of medical histories and clinical cases”, “role play” and “discussion”. The interactive component consisted of questions for each presentation that could be asked at any time during the lecture, and an instant poll was conducted in a separate Telegram channel simultaneously for all those present, after which the correct answer was announced and either the “game”, “discussion” or presentation resumed. The effectiveness of learning the material was assessed at the next class session in each group. As for the effectiveness of this methodology, 30 interns (83.3%) expressed a high level of satisfaction with the survey. The use of interactive learning technologies allows to keep the attention of participants throughout the class, which is due to their constant active involvement in the learning process. This arouses interest and enthusiasm for joint activities, increases the level of knowledge acquisition and allows for the acquisition of new skills. Interactive technologies can be recognized as one of the most productive in the professional training of future doctors.


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Author Biographies

  • Konopkina Lyudmyla

    MD, Professor, Head of Department of Internal Medicine 1, Dnipro State Medical University, Dnipro, Ukraine

  • Myronenko Olena

    PhD, аssociate Professor. of Department of Internal Medicine 1, Dnipro State Medical University, Dnipro, Ukraine

  • Botvinikiva Larysa

    PhD, аssociate Professor. of Department of Internal Medicine 1, Dnipro State Medical University, Dnipro, Ukraine

  • Huba Yuliya

    PhD, аssistant of professor of Department of Internal Medicine 1, Dnipro State Medical University Dnipro, Ukraine

  • Krykhtina Mariia

    Phd, assistant of professor of Department of Internal Medicine 1, Dnipro State Medical University, Dnipro, Ukraine


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How to Cite

EXPERIENCE OF USING INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS OF INTERNSHIPS. (2023). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 69, 117-125. https://doi.org/10.31652/2412-1142-2023-69-117-125