


information and communicative technologies; hardware component of information and communicative technologies; soft component of information and communicative technologies; higher legal education; peculiarities of applying information and communicative technologies


The paper is dedicated to issues on peculiarities of applying information and communicative technologies in the higher legal education. There is stressed, information and communicative technologies, in the context of its` applying in the educative process, would be understood as a tool of knowledge. There is suggested to interpret information and communicative technologies, applying in the educative process as a set of methods and technical equipment for providing an effective process of studding and communication on the basis of computer networks. Roles of information and communicative technologies in the higher legal education are formulated. They are cognitive, researchscientific, professional-practical, formative-personal, competitive-motivational, resistant, creative. Their content is opened. There is showed, the significance of information and communicative technologies in the process of the higher legal education is an establishment, formation and development of a subject of the educational process relevant to today's technological requirements as a complete individual with a high level of professionalism and appropriate personal features. There is outlined, the applying information and communicative technologies in the higher legal education has a raw of peculiarities. The specificity of higher legal education, which is manifested in the practical orientation of legal professions and the orientation of training students for work in state authorities, is their determinant. Advantages and disadvantages of the applying information and communicative technologies for students and tutors are analyzed. After results of analysis, recommendations on applying information and communicative technologies in the educational process in general, and in the higher legal education in particular, are formulated. These recommendations provide usage of information and communicative technologies in the higher legal education on the basis of rationality and temperance, and, however, exclusion of the possibility of replacing the real one with a "virtual" educational process.


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Author Biography

  • Olha Fedorchuk

    Ph.D. in the field of pedagogical science, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Information Technologies, Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine


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How to Cite

PECULIARITIES OF APPLYING INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE HIGHER LEGAL EDUCATION. (2024). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 70, 221-230.