Revolutionary Committees in Podillia in 1917-1921.


Podillia, Revolutionary Committees, totalitarianism

How to Cite

Kuzminets, N. (2004). Revolutionary Committees in Podillia in 1917-1921. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 7, 123-127.


The article examines the establishment of totalitarian principles through the activities of revolutionary committees in Podillia during the period of Soviet rule. The author analyzes the importance of these committees in the formation of a new political system and their role in the military conflict and socio-economic issues. The article is aimed at a systematic analysis of documentary and archival materials to reveal the nature and trends in the functioning of these committees, emphasizing their military-communist, undemocratic orientation and setting a precedent for totalitarian principles of governance. The author calls for the study of this problem as a key aspect in the development of political history, emphasizing the need for further study and evaluation of these important events to understand the totalitarian tendencies of state governance.


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