The importance of "factory-workshops" in the activities of individual representatives of Lviv architects and sculptors milieu in the 1730s and 1760s.
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architects, sculptors, factory-workshops, patrons, corporation, order, Lviv

How to Cite

Lylio, O. (2024). The importance of "factory-workshops" in the activities of individual representatives of Lviv architects and sculptors milieu in the 1730s and 1760s. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 47, 26-34.


The purpose of the article is to study the organization and activities of professional associations of Lviv architects and sculptors, known in the sources as "factory(fabryky)-workshops", during the construction and sculptural decoration of sacred and secular buildings in Lviv and outside its borders in the 1730-s – 1760-s. The methodology of the research is based on the principle of objectivity and historicism, a systematic approach to the study of historical-artistic and socio-economic phenomena in their development and interrelationships. The use of methods of analysis and synthesis, problem-thematic, descriptive and historical-chronological approach made it possible to optimally solve the research task. The scientific novelty of the research involves the description of the activity and internal organization of the factory-workshops of Lviv architects and sculptors during the construction and sculptural decoration of objects of a secular and sacred nature, the importance of the factory-workshops of Lviv artists in obtaining profitable orders, as well as in confrontation with the city corporation. Conclusions. In the professional activity of Lviv architects and sculptors, a significant role was played by the process of organizing the most qualified workers around them into professional associations, which are known in the sources as "factory-workshops". Thanks to them, artists got the opportunity to control most of the orders when creating objects of a secular and sacred nature in the city and beyond. This, in turn, caused a confrontation with the city corporation. Free craftsmen managed to win a number of victories over the corporation on a legal basis thanks to the support of influential patrons, magnate families, representatives of the higher clergy, as well as royal privileges that exempted artists from the claims of the corporation and city authorities.

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ЦДІА України у Львові – Центральний державний історичний архів України у Львові.

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