The purpose of the research is to analyze the measures of the Soviet authorities to overcome child homelessness and neglect, the functioning of orphanages on the example of the Zhytomyr region in the period from the mid-1950s to the first half of the 1960s. The methodological basis of the research is built on the analysis and synthesis, historical-statistical, and historical-comparative methods as well as the use of the principles of scientificity, objectivity and historicism in the analysis of the Soviet authorities’ policy of overcoming those negative phenomena among minors. The scientific novelty of the work is presented by a comprehensive study of the state policy on overcoming child homelessness and neglect in the Zhytomyr region of the Ukrainian SSR during the mentioned period with using new archival sources. Conclusions. Homelessness and neglect of the minors were urgent problems in the period from the mid-1950s to the first half of the 1960s both in the Zhytomyr region and Ukraine as a whole. They were gradually resolved, the authorities took appropriate measures. From the side of the relevant executive authorities, there was often a formal approach to solving the problems of child homelessness and neglect. It should be noted that this problem was organically connected with the command-administrative and bureaucratic system of the Soviet government, for which reporting and certain indicators were important but the practical solution of the children's problems was delayed. The relevant authorities’ inspections of the ways the orphanages worked revealed the financial shortcomings, problems in material support and educating which had a negative impact on the pupils in those institutions. A serious problem is proved to be the absence or lack of the parents’ attention to the upbringing of their children at that time. Moreover, the enterprises and institutions, that were supposed to contribute to the cultural and educational development of their workers’ and employees’ children, did not do that. The issues of organizing leisure time for the minors by the children and school institutions was relevant, as the problem of neglect and committing the crime by the uncontrolled minors depended directly on those solutions. The methodical assistance in working with children provided by regional libraries to village ones was insufficient and very often it was not actually carried out. Cultural centers and village clubs did not conduct educating work to children. Prospects for further research relate to the problems of neglect and juvenile delinquency in the Zhytomyr region in the 1980s.
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