
  • Корець Олександр Миколайович НПУ ім. М. П. Драгоманова

Ключові слова:

технічна компетентність, вчителі технологій, фізико-математична підготовка, вища математика, фізика, хімія


У статті обґрунтовуються умови формування технічної компетентності вчителів технологій у процесі їх фізико-математичної підготовки. Виділено три рівня вивчення фізико-математичних дисциплін, спрямовані на поетапне, та поглиблене опанування змісту цих курсів, визначені основні вимоги до проектування структури відповідного освітнього середовища.

Justified conditions of the technical competence of teachers of technology in their physical and mathematical training. Three of the study of physical and mathematical sciences aimed at a gradual and profound mastery of the content of these courses. The first or initial level should acquaint students with the general principles, the laws of physical and mathematical disciplines. The second level involves in-depth study of selected issues and some sections of courses that serve as the fundamental basis for further study technical subjects at all educational and qualification levels. The third level, which can be called high propedeutics include implementation of technical training future teachers of technology, which means it has a dual format challenges, namely solving practical engineering problems and the formation of the primary foundations of knowledge and skills in engineering and technology.Formation of technical competence of future teachers of technology in the study of physical and mathematical sciences seen as integrative multilevel structure is reasonable, even for the disciplines of physics and mathematics cycle must be subordinated to the task of educational field «Technology» at both the secondary school and in higher teacher education ie it must meet the latest international advances in technology and manufacturing and information technology.The basic requirements for the design of structures appropriate educational environment, training should integrate previously acquired knowledge and skills of students consider interdisciplinary connections; must conform to prepare future teachers technologies to communicate with practice, conform promising areas of social development, taking into account social and cultural value priorities, content learning environment should be focused on the development of key components of professional competence, build knowledge and skills that contribute to the formation of teachers technologies that meet the requirements of modern society.


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Біографія автора

  • Корець Олександр Миколайович , НПУ ім. М. П. Драгоманова

    кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри інформаційних систем і технологій НПУ ім. М. П. Драгоманова


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сегодня, 2004, No 3. – С.20-27.







Як цитувати

УМОВИ ФОРМУВАННЯ ТЕХНІЧНОЇ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТІ ВЧИТЕЛІВ ТЕХНОЛОГІЙ У ПРОЦЕСІ ФІЗИКО-МАТЕМАТИЧНОЇ ПІДГОТОВКИ . (2021). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 46, 222-225. https://vspu.net/sit/index.php/sit/article/view/2482