
  • Inna Zarishniak
  • Mariia Hrabovych



higher education institution, distance education, online learning, emergency distance learning, organizational and pedagogical conditions of distance learning.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the potential of extraordinary distance learning of
students. Emphasis is placed on the differences between this type of distance education and online
education. Taking into account the latest publications, the domestic experience of introducing distance
education in higher education institutions has been studied and the reasons for the unpreparedness of
domestic higher education institutions for the transition to the distance mode of emergency distance
learning have been clarified. It is emphasized that most researchers identify the positive aspects of
compulsory distance education, including the possibility of using blended learning as the optimal format in
an emergency situation.
With the help of an online survey of teachers and students of Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University, the
advantages and difficulties of transition to distance learning have been identified. It has been proven that
technical difficulties are problems with power outages and problems with the Internet and so on. It has been
found that the psychological disadvantage of distance learning is excessive workload, which leads to
impaired vision, physical fatigue and spiritual limitations. In addition, many found it difficult to
communicate with the camera and microphone turned off. Didactic difficulties of distance learning are
revealed - it is identification of independence of performance by students of test tasks and necessity of
creation of new materials, search of new pedagogical receptions for activization of educational activity in
a remote mode. It was emphasized that the respondents mentioned the lack of all-round assistance from the
management of distance learning and a large amount of reporting documentation as a lack of organizational
and managerial nature.
The advantages of extraordinary distance learning are identified - it is the ability to work remotely, mobility
and convenience, transparency of the assessment system, the use of cloud technologies. It is stated that the
most convenient communicator for online classes is Microsoft Teams. According to the survey, 67.4% of
students did not have special problems with the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities in the
transition to distance learning.
The definition of “organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of distance learning
in the Free Economic Zone” has been clarified. Psychological and pedagogical (subjective) and
organizational and managerial (objective) conditions for the implementation of emergency distance
learning in higher education institutions are substantiated.


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Author Biographies

  • Inna Zarishniak

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
    Associate Professor of the Department of Biophysical Chemistry, Physics and Pedagogy
    Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University,
    Vinnytsia, Ukraina

  • Mariia Hrabovych

    Hrabovych Mariia Viktorivna
    Assistant of the Department of Foreign Languages of Professional Orientation
    Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University,
    Vinnytsia, Ukraina


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How to Cite

SUBSTANTIATION OF ORGANIZATIONAL AND PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF EXTRAORDINARY DISTANCE LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 96-106.