Motivational basis of professional development of modern specialist tourism


  • Валентина Лозовецька Інститут професійно-технічної освіти НАПН України


motivation, travel, specialist, professional development, professionalism, training, market value, professional activity


The article notes that motivation is one of the main concepts in the study of human behavior relative to its
performance in the market environment. Modern specialist tourism today is a professional who is able to effectively work in the socioeconomic
conditions. It is emphasized that professional activity of tourism is based on complex psychological processes associated with
the formation of the personality motivational structure based on the motivation of the expert to effectively use personal and professional
capacity in the exercise of professional actions and functions. The complexity of the conditions of professional activity, its structure,
functional features that contribute to the need of the organization motivational sphere of the person, which would provide a holistic
motivational direction of development of professionalism of the specialist, provided that the elements of the motivational structure will
contribute to the formation of personality competitiveness in today's job market. The attention is focused on what motivational basis of
professional development of the modern person should be based on: the extension of the competence of the field of activity of the expert,
his professional focus; the personal and professional potential; the professional mastery of integrated actions and functions in the
solution of professional tasks; the system of development of creative thinking specialist. In building a motivational structure of a specialist
tourism role for targeted special motives, by which man is able to explain why she does certain actions, adopt certain decisions.


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Author Biography

  • Валентина Лозовецька, Інститут професійно-технічної освіти НАПН України

    доктор педагогічних наук, професор, провідний науковий співробітник Інституту професійно-технічної освіти НАПН України


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How to Cite

Motivational basis of professional development of modern specialist tourism. (2016). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 44, 123-126.