The model training of the future teacher of technical disciplines to using media technologies in professional activity


  • Павло Саварин Луцький національний технічний університет


readiness, model, process, forms and stages of preparation, components, conditions, criteria and levels of training


The rapid development of information technology in the XXI century led to the transmission of data in electronic
form. Faced with the problem of gaining new knowledge and their proper application. The system, which includes design, organization,
and training with the provision of the multi-channels of perception of information by the subjects of learning in an interactive manner
through the use of multimedia computer hardware and software and educational software was called media technology. The developed
model embodies the abstracted structure, and the real design process, and allows making reliable conclusions about the effectiveness of
the training process. Components of the model were made by purpose and objectives of the training, which relate to primary, sufficient
and creative level of willingness to use media technologies in pedagogical activities. During the development of the model was analyzed
the process of preparation of future teacher, which consists of stages of professional identity, content-competence and methodically and
creative development. Also such forms of implementation of the preparation process, such as: integration into core courses, a separate
special course or independent study. In addition, during the development of the model were selected organizational, motivational,
cognitive, operational, creative and effective components of training. Effective component in turn consists of criteria, which were:
knowledge system, skill system and the system of value relations to media technologies. Therefore, we believe that the developed model will facilitate the process of preparation and formation of readiness of master's degrees technical university for use of media technologies
in professional activity


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Author Biography

  • Павло Саварин, Луцький національний технічний університет

    асистент кафедри комп’ютерних технологій Луцького національного технічного


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How to Cite

The model training of the future teacher of technical disciplines to using media technologies in professional activity. (2016). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 44, 225-229.