Innovative methods and means of formation of professional foreign language communicative competence of future oil and gas experts


  • М. Федина


innovative, competence, means of teaching, teaching method, case method, the Internet, multimedia, computer programs


The article deals with topical issues related to the implementation and application of modern innovative methods
and means of teaching the aim of which is to develop and improve professional foreign communicative competence of future specialists
of oil and gas industry. It is mainly highlighted the importance of the project method and case method in teaching professional English.
Based on the study of scientific literature and own observation and experience, it is done the analysis of the use of innovative means of
teaching that improve the quality of a foreign language learning in higher educational institutions. The role and importance of computer
programs and technology is analysed in the article and the effectiveness and expediency of implementing them in the learning process
and practical implementation at the English lesson is proved, because they can significantly increase students’ motivation to learn foreign
languages and increase the activity of students and their level of knowledge. It can be concluded that the use of the Internet and especially
YouTube website promotes the students' communication skills of the English language on the subject of future profession, listening,
independent and group work on the study material and primary sources, helps students to present video projects, and so on. Thus, while
using the latest methods and means of teaching, teacher combines in the learning process both the communicative and educational
goals, which are extremely important.


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Режим доступу:

Dispelling Five Myths, pdf

Internet World Stats. Електронний ресурс

To learn more about the intersection of technology and 21st century skills,

YouTube in English Lessons m/Diplomova_prace.pdf






How to Cite

Innovative methods and means of formation of professional foreign language communicative competence of future oil and gas experts. (2016). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 44, 392-395.