
  • Bilous Vladislava Pavlivna Національна музична академія України ім. П.І.Чайковського




Skill, stages of formation of musical skill, mental working capacity, components of working capacity, dynamics of working capacity


The article is devoted to the problem of mastering technical performance skills by a musician-instrumentalist. Traditionally, the process of mastering the art of playing an instrument, mostly occurs without the supervision of a teacher and often by such methods as it was even 100 years ago.
Experience and research show that the basis for mastering technical skills is the formation of musical motor skills.
The analysis of the meaning of skill, the author of the article begins with the definition of "skill" as in the scientific literature it is ambiguous. The process of formation of motor skills is divided into stages (introductory, analytical, synthetic (standardizing), situational), each of them is characterized in detail and their meaning is shown.
In the process of mastering musical skills and in performing activities, it is necessary to remember and take into account the properties of skills: 1. Interaction or interference of skills. 2. Deautomatization of skills. If almost all musicians know about the de-automation of skills, then the interaction of skills remains in their attention.
The instrumentalist's musical skill and performance also depend on his potential - ability (ability) to work (mostly mental). Unfortunately, there are almost no scientific papers on the problem of mental capacity of musicians. The author defines the concept of mental capacity and reveals its structure (1. Attentional component that characterizes the state of voluntary attention. 4. Sensory component, which characterizes the state of perceptual processes 5. Imaginative component, which determines the state of imagination 6. Motivational component that affects the activity of mental activity) and describes the dynamics of efficiency (1. Period of premature increase in efficiency. 3. Period of employment 4. Period of maximum working capacity 5. Period of decrease in working capacity 6. Period of "final rush" 7. Period of progressive decrease in working capacity). This dynamic must be taken into account both in the process of mastering the skill and in the performance of the musician.
The conclusions offer specific practical recommendations for the effectiveness of mastering performing skills.


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Author Biography

  • Bilous Vladislava Pavlivna, Національна музична академія України ім. П.І.Чайковського

    кандидат мистецтвознавства, професор
    Національна музична академія України ім. П.І.Чайковського, м. Київ, Україна
    ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8506-238X


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How to Cite

ОСНОВИ ОВОЛОДІННЯ РУХОВИМИ НАВИЧКАМИ МУЗИКАНТА-ВИКОНАВЦЯ. (2021). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 62, 114-123. https://doi.org/10.31652/2412-1142-2021-62-114-123