
  • Олена Гриб'юк Інститут інформаційних технологій і засобів навчання Національної академії педагогічних наук України



research training, immersive technologies, levels of intellectual development, computer-oriented methodical system of research training, comparative research, intelligence, talent, computer game, cognitive development


The study presents the psychophysiological aspects of the phenomenon of the child's presence in the virtual environment in the process of research training, analyzes the relevant factors and indicators of influence. The purpose of experimental research is to achieve a thorough understanding of the phenomenon of the presence of a child and the psychophysiological impact of computer technology in a virtual environment in the process of research education of children. The classification of computer games Open RPG, Open Action, Global Strategy, including with use of immersive technologies is developed, the rating list of computer games popular among children within experimental research, accordingly, the comparative characteristic taking into account features of use of computer games is carried out. in the process of research training. Particular attention is paid to the experimental study of the impact of computer games using immersive technologies on the psychophysiological state and the development of children's intelligence in the process of research learning. In the course of the study, special attention was paid to the behavior of the child's sensory system, which has the ability to adapt to the environment. Based on the results of diagnostics using the TBZZ technique in cyber players (boys and girls) pathological features in encephalograms were revealed. The existence of correlations between the advantages of children's attitudes to the use of computer games, including immersive technologies, and the levels of intellectual development of children has been studied.The need for the selection of information resources to increase creativity, motivation and level of intellectual development of children, which leads to increased efficiency of research training. The results were significant at the level of reliability р  0,05. Indicators of giftedness of children living in different socio-cultural environments differ in the context of participation in polysystemic processes. The data obtained in the process of experimental research were used to analyze the most relevant in the process of research training of students of the natural sciences and mathematics cycle of information resources COMSDN.


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Author Biography

  • Олена Гриб'юк, Інститут інформаційних технологій і засобів навчання Національної академії педагогічних наук України

    Cand. Sc., PhD, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher,
    Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine,
    Kyiv, Ukraine
    ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3402-0520


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How to Cite

IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION: FEATURES OF A CHILD’S COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT IN A VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT IN THE PROCESS OF RESEARCH LEARNING. (2021). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 62, 138-161.