
  • Oxana Chekan
  • Marina Gideon (Kravchenko)



професійна компетентність, етапи, комп’ютерні технології, майбутні вихователі, дидактична модель, діти дошкільного віку


The article has presented a didactic model of formation of professional competence of future
educators of preschool educational establishment by means of computer technologies. The model consists
of three stages: cognitive-enriching, productive-activity, creative-informational. The purpose of the first
stage was to clarify the knowledge of students about the functions and work with the computer in their own
and educational activities and to acquaint them with the methods of using the computer in future
professional activities. The purpose of the second productive-activity stage was to equip future educators with skills and abilities of independent work with computer programs of professional orientation. The
purpose of the third - creative-informational stage was the maximum immersion of students in active
independent creative computer-informational activity both in the conditions of the educational
establishment and in the pedagogical practice at this educational establishment. Each of the modules
contains examples of fragments of lessons with students, a portfolio of professional techniques and a
portfolio on "The usage of computer technologies at preschool educational establishment", fragments of
educational computer games for older preschool children with the Internet and their analysis, etc. The author
has presented stages of the didactic models for the formation of professional competence of future educators
of preschool children by means of computer technologies include the implementation of pedagogical
requirements. At the cognitive-enriching stage, the first pedagogical condition has been realized -
informatization of teaching professional disciplines in the process of professional training of future
educators of preschool children by means of computer technologies. At the productive and activity stage,
the pedagogical condition has been realized - the presence of an appropriate information environment at
the faculties of preschool educational establishment. At the third, creative and informational stage, a
pedagogical condition has been realized such as individualization and intensification of the usage of
computer technologies in the educational process of higher educational establishment. It was concluded
that the materials of the special course "Methods of teaching preschool children computer literacy" aimed
at awareness students of various opportunities to use computer technologies in the pedagogical process of
modern schools, effectively influenced the training of students.


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Author Biographies

  • Oxana Chekan
    candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of theory and methods of preschool education, Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo, Ukraine
  • Marina Gideon (Kravchenko)

    student of the Faculty of Pedagogy, group OPN-1m
    Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo, Ukraine


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How to Cite

THE DIDACTIC MODEL OF FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE EDUCATORS OF PRESCHOOL ESTABLISHMENT BY MEANS OF COMPUTER TECHNOLOGIES. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 62, 206-214.