
  • Nataliia Soroko
  • Olena Gayevska



immersive technologies; virtual reality; augmented reality; training of translators of oriental languages; Japanese hieroglyphics


The article deals with the problem of using immersive technologies for the training of future Oriental
language translators. The ways to implement tasks concerning fast, active, correct and convenient studying by
students of oriental languages by means of immersive technologies, such as technologies of augmented and
virtual reality, are considered. The main classifications of types of augmented and virtual realities are provided
for understanding the principles of their use in the educational process, in particular for learning languages.
The scientists’ research and their main results concerning selection and application of immersive technologies
for students enrolled institutions of higher education in philological department of oriental languages are
described. The advantages of using immersive technologies for training future translators of Oriental
languages, in particular Japanese, at the Institute of Philology of Taras Shevchenko National University of
Kyiv at lecturers and seminars of study of "Japanese hieroglyphics", etc. are identified and substantiated. It
was found that among the main approaches to the study of Japanese hieroglyphs (use of electronic dictionaries;
Internet search; use of online educational literature; creation and use of associations (offline); prescribing
hieroglyphs (offline); application of augmented reality applications; use virtual reality, creating self-study
materials based on augmented reality) students most prefer creating their own study materials using augmented
reality tools, due to the motivation to create such an example of a hieroglyph with augmented reality that would
interest other students and reflected the most difficult cases in language practice regarding the translation of
Oriental languages. An approach based on the use of electronic dictionaries was also important, in particular,
most AR applications are focused on the assimilation of foreign language vocabulary by users (Triplens,
ARTranslate, etc.). It is concluded that immersive technologies provide a new paradigm of teaching materials,
which has a positive impact on the formation of basic and professional competencies of future translators of
Oriental languages; they can be effective when used in blended learning that combines distance, online,
traditional and self-directed learning of Oriental languages. Prospects for further research is the creation of
guidelines for the use of immersive technologies for teaching Oriental languages at different levels of the
training of future Oriental languages translators.


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Author Biographies

  • Nataliia Soroko

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Open Learning Environment Technologies,
    Institute of Information Technologies and Learning Tools of NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

  • Olena Gayevska

    PhD, Assistant Professor
    Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

USING IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE TRAINING OF FUTURE ORIENTAL LANGUAGES TRANSLATORS. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 62, 287-298.