
  • Oleksandr Shevchuk



prognostic validity, correlation coefficient, competitive selection, competitive score, external independent evaluation (EIE), higher education institution (HIE)


One of the urgent tasks facing higher education institutions (HEIs) is to build and implement the
most optimal model of competitive selection of applicants. For this purpose, it is necessary to build such a
rating list, in which the first places will be given to those entrants who are able to study better in the given
specialty. The article conducts an analytical study of statistical relations between the components of
competitive selection in 2018 and the average performance of first-year students in the field of knowledge
07 "Management and Administration" of a particular institution of higher education. It is noted that in 2018,
in the tested HEI, within one field of knowledge, for the first time applied two different, according to the
list of subjects of external independent evaluation (EIE), methods of calculating the competitive score of
applicants (КБ). The use of such a two-model system had a positive effect on increasing the number of
students in 2018 and 2019.
The calculation of correlation coefficients showed that the two-model system of competitive selection of
applicants has a fairly high level of prognostic validity (R> 0.5).
However, the competitive score calculated by the second method correlates much worse with the average
learning outcomes of first-year students, compared to the first model (R = 0.154). With the help of
variation of weight coefficients of EIE disciplines, the most optimal alternative model of calculation of the
competitive score of the entrant for the II method is defined and offered. In this model, the EIE in Ukrainian
language and literature is used as a profile subject with the highest weighting factor.
The analysis of the components of the competitive selection of students in this field of knowledge showed
that the results of external examinations in the Ukrainian language and literature are a strong predictor of
the success of freshmen in economics (R = 0.619). Instead, the EIE in the history of Ukraine correlates the
worst with their assessments, compared to other subjects (R = 0.364).


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Author Biography

  • Oleksandr Shevchuk

    Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
    Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Technologies,
    Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine


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How to Cite

PROGNOSTIC VALIDITY OF A TWO-MODEL SYSTEM COMPETITIVE SELECTION OF STUDENTS OF ECONOMIC DIRECTION. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 62, 307-318.