
  • Valentina Frytsiuk
  • Maya Kademija



professional self-development; future teachers; methodological approaches; hutagogics; hutagogic approach


The article considers some methodological approaches, including hutagogic. These approaches
are the basis for the formation of readiness of future teachers for professional self-development. The article
considers approaches: acmeological, anthropocentric, activity, competence, personal, synergetic. The
article describes a new approach - hutagogic; named its features. Features of the hutagogic approach: it
combines the best innovative practices of self-education, uses effective methods of self-development; man
begins to play a new role of manager of his knowledge. Hutagogics focuses on the conscious involvement
of each individual in the learning process. Hutagogics focuses on drawing the attention of the pedagogical
society to the search for new effective means of education. Hutagogy helps to prepare a person. It helps to
adapt to modern conditions. Hutagogy involves updating human knowledge. This knowledge should help
to adapt to new conditions. The hutagogic approach helps the diverse development, self-development of
the individual. The hutagogic approach develops the worldview, as well as develops moral and aesthetic
qualities. The article outlines the basic principles of hutagogics: knowing how to learn is a key skill;
teachers are more focused on the learning process than on the content of education; training goes beyond a
specific discipline; the student chooses the content and direction of study. It is proved that the use of the
author’s scientific and methodological system of prospective teacher’s training for continuous professional
self-development and technologies of formation of readiness of prospective teacher for continuous
professional self-development assist to personal and professional growth of prospective teachers, value
comprehension of necessity of purposeful continuous professional self-development; integrative and
theoretical training, increasing level of received, professionally directed knowledge; practical operating
training, formation of practical skills and abilities for professional self-development; combination of
individual and psychological qualities, which are important for continuous professional self-development
and prospective professional activities in general; orientation to self-analysis and self-esteem of own
professional self-development.


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Author Biographies

  • Valentina Frytsiuk

    Dr.hab. of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Pedagogy, Vocational Education and
    Management of Educational Institutions
    Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University,
    Vinnytsia, Ukraine

  • Maya Kademija

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of
    Innovative and Information Technologies in Education
    Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University,
    Vinnytsia, Ukraine


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How to Cite

PROFESSIONAL SELF-DEVELOPMENT OF A FUTURE TEACHER: HUTTAGOGICAL APPROACH. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 60, 315-325.