
  • L. P. Tokar



educational institution, pedagogical education, advanced training, teacher training, student


In the article it is proved that in order to improve the training of teachers, it is necessary to take
into account the level of development of modern information and communication technologies and to widely introduce
the elements of distance learning in the system of professional development of pedagogical workers. The necessity of
changing the system of education is substantiated. It is necessary to depart from the traditional lecture and practical
organization system of classes and to introduce the latest forms - round tables, discussions, presentations of successful
advanced experience, conferences, etc. Under such an organization, advanced courses not only act as consumers of
information, but also share their own experiences, turning into active participants in the educational process. The
necessity of continuous updating of the content of educational disciplines with the consideration of the employers' and
individual's request is confirmed. Improvement of the content should be carried out in the area of strengthening the
creative component, providing opportunities for independent selection and processing of actual problems with their
subsequent disclosure and advocacy at the time of promulgation. The implementation of a competence approach
remains relevant. During the classes and especially during the control, attention should be paid not only to the existing
knowledge and skills, but also to the development of the professional qualities of the individual, the ability to adapt
and control the situation of interpersonal communication, to rely on professional burnout, to analyze the conditions of
professional deformation, and most importantly acquired experience in the field of professional activity. The necessity
of creating a social community of teachers, based on the principles of professional development, personal growth and
development of creative potential, is proved. With the help of online resources, teachers can be involved in the
exchange of experience, analysis of common problems in education, solving individual problems of interaction with
students, colleagues and the administration of educational institutions.


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Author Biography

  • L. P. Tokar

    Vinnytsia, Ukraine


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How to Cite

ANALYSIS OF THE PREPARATION, IMPROVEMENT AND RETRAINING OF TEACHERS IN UKRAINE. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 54, 27-31.