
  • M. V. Kondratova



value; value attitude to work; preparation of future builders; motive; motivation to work


The author reveals the issues of the moral value of labor and labor behavior, motivation of an
effective work and improvement of the future builders’ mechanisms of work motivation in the article,. The author
draws attention to the fact that the important aspect in the formation of the value attitude to work of the students of
the College of Civil Engineering and Architecture is the promotion and stimulation, which stand out as the basic
components of the workers’ construction development strategy. It is noted that becoming a person of work involves
the formation of his social and psychological qualities that allow him to realize his work potential.
Regulatory systems such as morality, political regulators, organizational; public and others are widely used to
motivate a person's work behavior and activity. Emphasis is placed on the fact that a qualified professional must have
such personal and professional qualities and interests as a wide range of interests in the field of urban construction;
highly developed organizational skills; ability to solve quickly problem situations; logical and analytical thinking; high
level of technical abilities development; mathematical abilities; spatial thinking; propensity for intellectual activities; a
tendency to work with technology; physical endurance; expressed ability to concentrate; emotional stability; ability to
predict the prospects of development of the construction industry. The article deals with the issue of labor motivation,
which aims at providing meaningful, interesting and productive work.
The author points to material motivation (wealth generalization, a certain level of welfare) and status
motivation (the worker’s certain social status desire); also distinguishes the motive of work (the impulse to work, the
meaning given to it by a person). The structural components of professional motivation include: motivation for
initiation (encourages activity); motivation for selection (promotes goal selection); motivation of realization (provides
regulation, control of corresponding action implementation); motivation for post-realization (makes it possible to
complete an action and encourage another). The author notes that the value attitude to work is an important
component of the content of personal education and implies an awareness of the work importance, a developed need
for labor activity, initiative, and a tendency to work.


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Author Biography

  • M. V. Kondratova

    Kharkiv, Ukraina


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How to Cite

THE FUTURE BUILDERS’ VALUE WORK ATTITUDE FORMATION AS A PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEM. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 54, 36-40.