
  • Y. Berezovsky


combatants, personality, deviant behavior, socialization, participant in military operations, delinquent behavior, factors, theory, concepts, sociological approach, psychological approach, frustration, social role


The article analyzes the major factors of deviations in order to identify the reasons that influence the
formation and occurrence of combatant’s deviant behavior, as scientific interest to the problem of serviceman’s
deviant manifestations and their prevention is increasingly growing.
Considered historical and contemporary scientific views on the nature of deviant behavior: its determination
(reasons, motives, factors), the regularities of formation, mechanisms of functioning. The concepts that pay attention
to the biological reasons which make emphasis on psychological factors, and social concepts that explain deviant
behavior exceptionally by social causes are examined. The author identifies the following groups of factors that cause
deviant behavior of personality: external conditions of the environment, external social conditions, internal inherited
biological and constitutional grounds, inner personal reasons and mechanisms of deviant behavior.
It is concluded that there are various interrelated factors underlying the genesis of deviant behavior, namely:
1). individual factor, which operates at the level of psycho-biological prerequisites for deviant behaviour that
complicate social and psychological adaptation of the individual; 2). pedagogical factor, which is displayed in the
defects of school and family education; 3). the psychological factor that reveals unfavourable features of the
interaction of the individual with his closest surrounding in the family, on the street, in a group, and which is primarily
displayed in actively-elective attitude of the individual to the communicational environment, to the norms and values
of his environment; 4). the social factor, which is determined by the social, economic and political conditions of the
society existence.


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Author Biography

  • Y. Berezovsky

    Vinnitsa, Ukraine


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How to Cite

COMPONENT SYSTEMS OF FACTORS OF DEVIANT BEHAVIOR OF COMBAT PARTICIPANTS. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 51, 168-172.