
  • Valentyn Gladush
  • Варфоломій Савчук
  • Andrii Turinov




high school, physics and astronomy, cosmological principle, size and age of the universe, cosmological models and their types, advanced study, elementary derivation


The basis of modern cosmology is the general theory of relativity, the mathematical
apparatus of which is quite complex. There is a problem of presenting the elements of modern
cosmology in a form acceptable for students to perceive. On the one hand, this presentation should
correspond to the mathematical apparatus provided and learned at school, on the other hand, it
should form the appropriate cognitive-research component of physical and mathematical education.
The article based on Newtonian theory and cosmological principle, to propose a method of
construction and presentation of the elements of the theory of cosmological models of the evolution
of the universe to students of senior classes of a specialized level of education in a general secondary
school. Qualitative methods of classical mechanics are used on a simple mathematical basis. The
mathematical apparatus consists of elementary algebraic operations and transformations. The
proposed derivation and research correspond to the physical and mathematical level of knowledge of
high school students of a specialized level of education. The cosmological principle is analyzed in
detail and the correctness of using the Newtonian approach is substantiated. An elementary
derivation of the equations of spherically symmetric models in cosmology on the simple basis of
Newtonian mechanics is proposed. Equations of the evolution of the cosmological Newtonian model
are constructed and conservation laws, the size and age of the Universe are studied. A qualitative study of the spherically symmetric dust cosmological model is presented. The practical significance
of the research lies in the expansion the possibilities of forming the cognitive component the training
of high school students of the specialized level physics education. The presentation of the material
on the topic «Elements of Cosmology» using this approach becomes clearer, contributes to a better
understanding of the basics of cosmology by students, such basic concepts as the cosmological
principle, the radius and age of the Universe, the critical density of the Universe, the types of
Universe evolution. This approach can be used in senior classes of specialized secondary schools,
group work and optional classes in physics and astronomy, when studying the elements of the theory
of cosmological models and considering the simplest consequences of their implementation.
Pedagogical skill and methodical capabilities of the teacher are also increasing.


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Author Biographies

  • Valentyn Gladush

    Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics
    Oles Honchar Dnipro National University,
    Dnipro, Ukraine

  • Варфоломій Савчук

    Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics Oles Honchar
    Dnipro National University,
    Dnipro, Ukraine

  • Andrii Turinov

    Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics
    Oles Honchar Dnipro National University,
    Dnipro, Ukraine


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How to Cite

ELEMENTS NEWTONIAN COSMOLOGY IN THE EDUCATION PUPILS OF THE PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS PROFILE OF STUDY. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 89-102. https://doi.org/10.31652/2412-1142-2022-65-89-102