
  • Olena Matiienko
  • Svitlana Buchatska



communicative competence, role-playing activity, role-playing game, students, non- linguistic majors, higher education institutions


The article is devoted to the problem of formation of foreign language communicative
competence by means of role-playing games in non-linguistic majors. The formation of the above
mentioned competence involves the mastery of speech skills and skills necessary for communication, a
set of knowledge about the norms and rules of conducting natural communication, the ability to
adequately use the language in specific situations, the ability to practically use knowledge about the
language in the process of communication, while applying it as linguistic, as well as non-verbal (mimicry,
gestures, movements) means of expression and intonation patterns. The successful students’ practical
mastery of a foreign language is greatly facilitated by the atmosphere of collective communication,
organized on the basis of communicative situations, which stimulate students to creative, productive
work, encourage their desire for active participation, communication and expression of their own thoughts
in English. The specified requirements are best met by the role-playing game, which can be considered as
a creative type of activity that allows creating situations of speech interaction and contributes to the
improvement of students’ communicative experience. In modern textbooks on the methodology of
teaching foreign languages, role-playing games are divided into social and business (professionally
oriented). Social games are aimed at the development of the formation of skills and abilities of foreign
language communication in the social and day-to-day communication, as well as at the development of
initiative, collectivity and responsibility as socially valuable qualities of the individual and improvement
of the general culture of behavior. Simulation games are used to teach students professionally oriented
communication. The article examines how to provide the process of using role-playing games in foreign
language classes, and concludes that they contain a subsystem of exercises for role-playing games, which
are better used at the final stage of work on a certain topic. The technology of using role-playing games
has a versatile character, though, the games are conducted according to a certain model, which consists of
the following stages: preparation of the game participants; study of the situation, instructions, guidelines
and other additional materials; conducting the game; analysis, discussion and evaluation of game results.


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Author Biographies

  • Olena Matiienko

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
    Associate Professor, Methods of Foreign Language Teaching Department
    Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University,
    Vinnytsia, Ukraine

  • Svitlana Buchatska

    Candidate of Psychological Sciences,
    Associate professor, Methods of Foreign Language Teaching Department
    Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University,
    Vinnytsia, Ukraine


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How to Cite

FORMATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE BY MEANS OF ROLE-PLAYING GAMES IN NON-LINGUISTIC MAJORS. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 154-166.