
  • Kozyar Mykola



technical higher education institution; mechanical engineering; higher education student; graphic training; graphic competence; special course; educational process


The article deals with the urgent problem of improving the professional training of future
specialists in Mechanical Engineering, where graphic training is given priority. The improvement of
graphic training of future specialists is carried out with the involvement of a block of elective disciplines
through special courses of practical training, for example, "Creation of technical projects in the DIN ISO
system". The purpose of the special course is to provide higher education students with the knowledge,
skills and abilities necessary for a specialist of any field of study to teach technical ideas using DIN ISO
standards. The subject of the special course is the preparation of technical projects (machines,
mechanisms and equipment) based on DIN ISO standards. The technical space of Ukraine is trying to
integrate into the technical space of Europe through the standards of DIN ISO. The article presents a
general description of the special course "Creation of technical projects in the DIN ISO system", which
contains the following components: geometric, projection and mechanical engineering drawing. Each
component has certain goals and objectives. The next component is based on the previous one, expands
and deepens the graphic competencies of higher education students, brings them to the ability to fluently
perform and read drawings of various technical objects according to DIN ISO standards. A special feature
of the special course is the possibility of its quick adaptation in accordance with the goals of the
educational process. Attention is focused on the need to design and model the educational process of
graphic training of higher education students in the context of integration into the technical space of
Europe, allowing to individualize and organically combine learning and self-study, turning the process of
graphic training into their practical experience. The relevance of the article is determined by the need to
improve the effectiveness of graphic training of students of technical higher education institutions through
a special course: a method of visual representation and structuring of educational information that will
help to systematize and generalize the knowledge gained and consolidate the skills of graphic training in
future professional activities. The possibilities of optimizing the educational process in graphic training
are revealed. The special course "Creation of technical projects in the DIN ISO system" offered to higher
education applicants will provide ample opportunities for the development of logic, technical and creative
thinking, work in the international technical environment. The special course will contribute to the
formation of a technically competent personality prepared for life and work in the conditions of modern
high-tech production, without which the existence of modern society is impossible.


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Author Biography

  • Kozyar Mykola

    doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor,
    Head of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics, engineering graphics and mechanical engineering
    National Water University economy and nature management,
    Rivne, Ukraine


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How to Cite

THE ROLE AND CONTENT OF THE SPECIAL COURSE "CREATION OF TECHNICAL PROJECTS IN THE DIN ISO SYSTEM" IN THE GRAPHIC TRAINING OF FUTURE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SPECIALISTS. (2023). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 67, 129-137.