



information and communication technologies; QR-code; mobile learning; mobile devices; BYOD technology; English learning


The article reveals the essence of such concepts as mobile technologies, mobile learning, BYOD technology, QR-code. It is considered the specificity of the QR-code and the possibilities of its use in educational activities. It is noted that the technology of creation of QR-codes and recognition can be attributed to the elements of the mobile information and communication environment. The advantages and disadvantages of using QR-codes and the form of organization of educational activities are described. The research of modern scientists on the peculiarities of the implementation of the QR-codes in the educational process has been analyzed. The article provides an online resource that generates QR-codes. On the example of one of them, the peculiarities of using the resource and the sequence of stages of code generation are described. It is proposed an algorithm for scanning QR-code using camera of a mobile gadget, as well as a special application by pointing the camera at the image of the code and reading the information. It is mentioned that Internet resources for creating QR-codes are free, so anyone can create them using a special program, thus simplifying the learning process, which involves constant processing and analysis of certain information. Examples of the usage of QR-codes in teaching English are given: conducting quests, games, quizzes, polls and checking students’ knowledge through testing; conducting interesting online tours of world museums; the use of interesting and educational video files for a better understanding of the content learned during classes. It has been established that the usage of QR-codes in the educational process activates the educational activities among students, promotes quick and easy information searching, increases the motivation of students for studying, expands their horizons, provides an opportunity to improve the educational process, guarantees the accessibility and effectiveness of education and the preparation of the young generation for life in information environment.


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Author Biography

  • Tetiana Fedyk

    Assistant of Department of Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine


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How to Cite

QR- CODES: THEIR CREATION AND USAGE AT THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE LESSON. (2024). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 70, 75-83. https://doi.org/10.31652/2412-1142-2023-70-75-83