DOI 10.31652/2415-7872-2022-70-109-116


  • VOLODYMYR SHAKHOV Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professorVinnytsia Mykhailo KotsiubynskyiState Pedagogical University
  • VLADYSLAV SHAKHOV Master of Psychology Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University


professional consciousness of a teacher, professionally important qualities, professional development, professional self-awareness of a teacher, professionally determined deformation of a teacher's personality, factors of professionally determined deformation of a teacher's consciousness


In pedagogical practice, there are enough situations in which a teacher has to make a difficult moral choice, in which he must be guided by both personal cultural and ethical attitudes and professional and ethical norms of activity. In education, this problem, first of all, affects the quality of training of young teachers, the process of entry into professional activity, adaptation to pedagogical work, ability to take responsibility for choosing a decision in conflictual, emotionally complex situations. Academic teaching, despite its priority, most often instills the future specialist with an ideal image of a teacher. The lack of information about the negative aspects of professional activity deprives a young teacher of the opportunity to assume and take into account the negative consequences of work, to respond adequately to crisis situations, to find out and eliminate the first signs of maladaptation and deformation. Therefore, issues of ethics and moral aspects of a teacher's work should become one of the areas of professional education of future teachers.

The article found out that aggression as a professionally determined deformation of the teacher's personality is a destructive behavior that is expressed in the violation of professional and moral norms of interaction between the teacher and students in the formal presence of professionally justified actions.

It has been proven that three groups of factors act as determinants of aggression as a professionally determined deformation of the teacher's personality:

1) subjective factors determined by the individual and psychological characteristics of the teacher's personality;

2) objective factors related to the features of the social and professional environment;

3) objective-subjective factors initiated by the imbalance of personal and professional development.

Aggression can be active and passive in nature, closely related to the teacher's emotional response to professional situations, and manifested in the following types: impulsive actions, hostile statements, confrontation, dominance, stereotypic differentiation and intolerance.


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