Stepwise higher education in ukraine: ystorychnyy experience and present realities


  • Ольга Корінна Кіровоградсьа льотна академія НАУ


higher speed education, educational and qualification levels, national qualifications framework


The article is devoted to the characteristic level education in Ukraine. Analyzes trends in the development of higher
education in accordance with the requirements of international and European integration processes, identifies the main priorities in the
work of high school at the present stage of development. Attention is paid to multires, consistency between levels of higher education
and skill levels of standardization National Qualifications Framework
Based on the analysis of national legal regulatory framework of higher education activity the basic ideas of educational policy of
Ukraine after independence. Based on the provisions of the Law «On higher education», which enshrined the main provisions of state
policy in education, in particular, defined its structure, a system of standards, purpose and main tasks of higher educational establishment
as the main component of the industry, the basics of its functioning in the organization of training, educational and research work, the
characteristic of its degrees and educational levels is characterized by levels, degrees and higher education qualifications. Training of
specialists with higher education is conducted on relevant educational, professional, educational-scientific, scientific programmes at the
higher educational levels: the initial level (short-cycle) higher education; - first (bachelor) level; the second (master's) level; - the third
(educational-scientific); scientific level.
It is noticed that in Ukraine harmoniously combines speed academic education and training in the relevant educational levels.
Using State standards (qualification characteristics, educational-professional program) adapting the content of higher education to the needs of society.


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Author Biography

  • Ольга Корінна, Кіровоградсьа льотна академія НАУ

    аспірант, викладач Кіровоградської льотній академії НАУ


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How to Cite

Stepwise higher education in ukraine: ystorychnyy experience and present realities. (2016). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 44, 346-349.