
  • M. Konnova


інноваційна діяльність, корпоративна культура, корпоративна ідентичність, інтеграція, брендінг, залучення, лояльність


In this research the problem of formation and development of the educational institutions’
corporate culture has been highlighted. Some issues of the content and specifics of corporate culture of Secondary and
Higher education institutions have been described. The components of corporate culture have been also described, as
well as key components of the employees’ corporate identity have been determined. The relevance of change
management in the formation and development of the educational institutions’ corporate culture has been substantiated and the essence of managerial features in the corporate relations system has been determined.
The author also dwells on corporate culture as a system of individual and collective values which are accepted
by all the organization members as the set of methods and rules for solving the problems of external adaptation and
internal integration of employees which recommend themselves in the past and confirmed their relevance in the
Existing definitions of corporate culture have been presented. The external and internal factors influencing the
educational institutions corporate culture have been characterized. Special attention was paid to the problem of
pointing out the components of corporate culture: leadership system; conflict resolution styles; active communication
system; the position of an individual within the organization; accepted symbolism; organization’s values;
organization’s knowledge; internal and external relations and connections; organization’s objectives; the culture of
labor, production and other material processes.
This research also refers to the educational institutions’ specific goals and missions. The essence of the
concept «image» has been highlighted. It has also been noted that the image formation takes place in two directions:
inside the institution and from the outside. It has been emphasized that the educational institution teacher’s image
and the formation degree of his/her corporate culture are the transponders of image and corporate culture of the
whole educational institution. This research addresses corporate identity matters and defines its key components:
integration, engagement, loyalty.


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Author Biography

  • M. Konnova

    Vinnitsa, Ukraine


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How to Cite

THE PROBLEM OF CORPORATE CULTURE DEVELOPMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF INNOVATIVE TRANSFORMATIONS IN MANAGEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 52, 31-37.