
  • O. Stoliarenko


values, value orientations, humanistic education, humanistic values, humane pedagogy, value- centered attitude to a person, self- understanding of one’s ability and desire for humanistic activity


The article presents the analysis of topical problems dealing with the formation of modern
Ukrainian youth’s humanistic value orientations in contemporary society. The terminology apparatus is determined,
actual problems of modern Ukrainian youth’s humanistic values formation process are analyzed; the role of
humanistic values in life plans implementation, the choice of future profession, attitude towards parents, friends and
other members of society is determined. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical research concerning
the contents of the notion “values”, the mechanisms of their formation and the ways of reaching goals in the process
of extra-curricular educational work, the main levels and their components of pupils’ humanistic values formation
process were determined. The first level concerns the knowledge about social norms (principles, assessments), which
should foster the humanistic values into personal orientations transformation; the second level deals with axiological
techniques and skills acquisition, especially those, comprising the ability to compare, explain, generalize and critically
evaluate facts and activities of people based on their own system of values; skills to identify contradictions in
positions, different interests, the needs of social groups and individuals and the role in events and processes,
tendencies and trends of human development; abilities to estimate different opinions and thoughts about events and
phenomena, recognizing that some sources of information may be biased. The meaning of the third level can be
covered by the fact when a pupil has a certain attitude to the phenomena and processes of the inside and outside
world, which is based and determined by the system of humanistic values. Pupils’ self-understanding their own
abilities and desire for active humanistic activity in society, manifestation of value-centered attitude to a person was
experimentally tested. The efficiency of educational work was proved.


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Author Biography

  • O. Stoliarenko

    Vinnytsya, Ukraine


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How to Cite

THE STUDY OF MODERN YOUTH’S HUMANISTIC VALUES FORMATION PROCESS PECULIARITIES. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 52, 55-60.