
  • I. Rybak
  • I. Shahina


elementary classes, innovative technologies, interactive technologies, Ukrainian language, educational activities


The necessity of using innovative technologies in modern education is considered in the article, in
particular, at the Ukrainian lessons in elementary school. Using of modern innovative technologies is clarified, in
particular, interactive learning technologies, which greatly increase the efficiency of the educational process,
contribute to the high intellectual development of students, provide the mastery of the self-development skills of the
personality, the ability to think, create. The conditions of teacher interaction which motivate students psychologically
to express themselves sincerely and directly so that the educational activity of younger students is formed by
mastering the organizational, logical-speech, cognitive and control-assessment skills and abilities, personal experience
of the culture of behaviour in social and natural environment, cooperation in different types of activities. It is shown
why interactive methods provide the opportunity to create an educational environment where theory and practice are
internalized simultaneously, it gives students the opportunity to broaden outlook, build up their character, logical
thinking, and speech communication; to form critical thinking; to identify and realize individual opportunities. In this
case, the educational process is organized so that students are looking for a link between new and already acquired
knowledge; take alternative solutions, have the opportunity to make "discoveries", form their own ideas and thoughts
in different ways; study co-operation. The main feature of interactive learning is described - the use of own experience
by students in solving problem issues, which provides maximum freedom of mental activity.


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Author Biographies

  • I. Rybak

    Vinnytsia, Ukraine

  • I. Shahina

    Vinnytsia, Ukraine


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How to Cite

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES OF TEACHING AT THE UKRAINIAN LESSONS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 52, 120-124.