
  • О. Sabluk


information technology, ICT, multimedia, hypermedia, telecommunications, the technology of hypertext, the technology of presentations, interactive simulation, Web resource


The article discusses the features of the use of information technology of training and systematic
use of the personal computer in the process of teaching of disciplines in higher educational institutions of I-II levels of
accreditation. Serious transformations in the economic and social system of our State, the country's integration into
the world community led to the necessity of the reform in the system of education.
Application of computer technology in education contributes various changes to the human development.
These changes include both cognitive and emotionally- motivational processes, they affect the nature of man, with a
marked strengthening of the cognitive motivation of students at work with a computer. Use of ICT in learning
promotes the increase in the share of independent learning activities and intensification of learning, "the formation of
the personality of the student through the development of his/her capacity for education,self-training, self-education,
self-realization. In psychological research it is emphasizes that ICT affect the forming of theoretical, creative and
modular-reflexive thinking of students; computer visualization of training information has a significant influence on the
formation of ideas, which take central place in figurative thinking, and imagery views of those or other phenomena
and processes in the memory of the student enrich the perception of educational material, promotes its scientific
understanding. That is why it is important that the student was not a passive object of influence but could find
necessary information independently, share the opinion of certain issues with their peers, participate in discussions,
find arguments and counter-arguments, think critically and creatively. [2, 6]
Thus, it can be confirm that the use of information technology ensures making progress, increase of the
firmness of knowledge, general efficiency and students’ interest in all disciplines.


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Author Biography

  • О. Sabluk

    Haisyn, Ukraine


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How to Cite

TRAINING OF FUTURE AGENTS OF COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 51, 112-116.