
  • Mykola Kozyar




technical institution of higher education; a student of higher education; textbook; Engineering graphics; mechanical drawing; structure; graphic competence; educational process


The article considers the actual problem of improving the educational process with the
use of modern scientific and methodological support, in which the textbook is given priority.
The general characteristics of the textbook on engineering graphics are presented, which includes
the following components: design documents and their design; execution of drawings; some
designations on drawings; removable connections of parts; non-detachable connections of parts;
draftsmen: parts of machines, folding unit; terminological dictionary. The main capabilities of the
textbook and its significance for the graphic training of future technical students of higher
education are described. A feature of the textbook is the possibility of its quick adaptation in
accordance with the set learning goals. Attention is focused on the need to design and model the
educational process of graphic training, which involves the transformation of the role of a
scientific and pedagogical worker and allows to individualize and organically combine training
and self-learning, turning the process of theoretical training of students of higher education into
its practical experience. The relevance of the article is determined by the need to increase the
efficiency of graphic training of students of technical institutions of higher education with the
help of the textbook "Engineering Graphics: Mechanical Engineering Drawing": a method of
visual presentation and structuring of educational information, which will help systematize and
generalize the acquired knowledge and consolidate skills and abilities in engineering graphics.
The possibilities of optimizing the educational process in engineering graphics have been
revealed. The textbook for the course "Engineering Graphics: Machine-Building Drawing"
offered to students of higher education will provide ample opportunities for the development of
logic, technical and creative thinking, and their spatial imagination. The textbook will contribute
to the formation of a technically literate personality, prepared for life and work in the conditions
of modern high-tech production, without which the existence of today's society is impossible.


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Author Biography

  • Mykola Kozyar

    The article considers the actual problem of improving the educational process with the
    use of modern scientific and methodological support, in which the textbook is given priority.
    The general characteristics of the textbook on engineering graphics are presented, which includes
    the following components: design documents and their design; execution of drawings; some
    designations on drawings; removable connections of parts; non-detachable connections of parts;
    draftsmen: parts of machines, folding unit; terminological dictionary. The main capabilities of the
    textbook and its significance for the graphic training of future technical students of higher
    education are described. A feature of the textbook is the possibility of its quick adaptation in
    accordance with the set learning goals. Attention is focused on the need to design and model the
    educational process of graphic training, which involves the transformation of the role of a
    scientific and pedagogical worker and allows to individualize and organically combine training
    and self-learning, turning the process of theoretical training of students of higher education into
    its practical experience. The relevance of the article is determined by the need to increase the
    efficiency of graphic training of students of technical institutions of higher education with the
    help of the textbook "Engineering Graphics: Mechanical Engineering Drawing": a method of
    visual presentation and structuring of educational information, which will help systematize and
    generalize the acquired knowledge and consolidate skills and abilities in engineering graphics.
    The possibilities of optimizing the educational process in engineering graphics have been
    revealed. The textbook for the course "Engineering Graphics: Machine-Building Drawing"
    offered to students of higher education will provide ample opportunities for the development of
    logic, technical and creative thinking, and their spatial imagination. The textbook will contribute
    to the formation of a technically literate personality, prepared for life and work in the conditions
    of modern high-tech production, without which the existence of today's society is impossible.


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How to Cite

TEXTBOOK «ENGINEERING GRAPHICS: MECHANICAL DRAWING» – A MODERN TOOL FOR FORMING GRAPHIC COMPETENCE FUTURE SPECIALIST IN THE TECHNICAL FIELD. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 136-146. https://doi.org/10.31652/2412-1142-2022-65-136-146