The purpose of the article is to analyze the images of "Soviet" and "Sovietness" in visual objects of the cultural landscape of Vinnitsia region on the basis of field ethnographic materials collected in the process of collective and individual expeditions by students of the Faculty of History, Law and Public Administration and teachers of the Department of History of Ukraine Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University in 2018-19. The methodology of the research is based on the combination of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, generalization) methods with the principles of historicism, systematicity, scientificity and verification and is carried out in the interdisciplinary plane - in the context of "cultural landscaping" (in the context of anthropology of space) and memory discourses and methodology of visual anthropology. The scientific novelty of the work is to try to breed the concepts of "Soviet" and "Sovietness". Through the analysis of visual objects of cultural landscape, the author traced the organic combination of objects of material culture (toponymy, symbolism, multifunctional architecture, vehicles, memorial sites, etc.) with varieties of human practices (daily, ritual, symbolic, artistic, etc.) focusing on the connection of visualization with a cognitive form of cognition that emphasizes sociocultural features in the creation and understanding of these visual images. The researcher also touched upon the difficulties of (not)reading the images of "Soviet" and "Sovietness" in the visual space, their (im)perception and (not)rethinking by different generations. Conclusions. The perspective of the outlined topic is important not only in the scientific but also in the public area, reflecting its applied vector. Since the main purpose of the visual in Soviet times was to achieve homogeneity and unification of society in all its spheres, therefore, the key tasks of modern "cultural landscaping" discourse is the transformation of the cultural landscape towards the construction of its "face" with a clear local identity of its inhabitants and express "individualization" space to represent sociocultural heterogeneity. This should become an active mode of formation, first of all, its tourist attraction for "others" and comfort for "self".
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