
  • Olexandra Dubasenyuk
  • Alexander Voznyuk



teacher, pedagogue, educational process, communicative competence, primary school, interactive technologies, institutions of higher education, socio-economic transformations


The article presents the results of the study of the process of formation of communicative
competence in the primary school teachers by means of interactive technologies. The study has revealed
that communicative competence is an integrative multilevel personality construct, which is considered as a
result of the formation of professional competencies and personality qualities of prospective teachers,
enabling to establish psychological contact with students, their parents and colleagues, as well as to convey
logically, scientifically and concisely the context information, to manage the communication process and
to organize pedagogically appropriate interaction in the educational process. Identification of the levels of
formation of communicative competence in the prospective primary school teachers has been realized with
the help of tests determining the need for communication and self-esteem of professional and pedagogical
motivation; the method «Scale for assessing the need for achievement»; the modular control of educational
achievements in relation to individual research tasks; the methods of communicative social competence;
the diagnostics of teacher's dominant style of communication; the questionnaire «How to determine the
style of pedagogical communication?»; the method of expert assessments, the observation. It has been
found that the formation of communicative competence in the prospective primary school teachers should
be carried out within the general work on the formation of their professional competence, using both
traditional and non-traditional forms and methods of education, including social and psychological training.
The study has found that increasing the level of communicative competence in the prospective primary
school teachers is due to active awareness of the teacher's own "self-concept", their role and behavioral
patterns in solving interpersonal problems, which allows to regulate their own position and solve problems
in professional and socio-communicative activities.


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Author Biographies

  • Olexandra Dubasenyuk

    Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), professor, professor of the department of pedagogy and educational establishment
    menagement (Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University)
    Zhytomyr, Ukraina

  • Alexander Voznyuk

    Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), professor of the department of English with methods of teaching in pre-school and
    primary education (Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University)
    Zhytomyr, Ukraina


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Завіниченко Н.Б. Особливонсті розвитку комунікантивної компетеннтності майбутньного практичнного

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АПН України. К., 2003. 19 с.

Залібовська-Ільніцька З.В. Підготовнка майбутнінх учителів до формування комунікантивної компетеннтності

молодших школярів: автореф. дис... канд. пед. наук: 13.00.04; Житомир. держ. ун-т ім. І.Франка. Житомир,

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Макаренко С.С. Психологнічні умови розвитку комунікантивної компетеннтності учителя: автореф. дис...

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Касаткіна О.В. Психологно-педагогічні основи розвитку комунікантивної компетенн тності студентінв (на

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How to Cite

FORMATION OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE IN PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS BY MEANS OF INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGIES. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 60, 211-222.