
  • Andrii Lytvyn
  • Larysa Rudenko
  • Mikhaylo Kozyar



інформаційно-комунікаційних технології; освітні технології; інтегрування; заклади вищої освіти; професійна підготовка


The article is devoted to the problem of integration of ICT and pedagogical technologies in
the educational process of higher schools, the definition of integrated educational technologies that
are promising for higher education, as well as the recommendations for the implementation of this
process. Modernization of ICT-based educational technologies occurs through the targeted use of
mobile personal computers, communicators and telecommunications, specialized equipment, modern
devices and gadgets, intelligent information processing systems. The changes are also related to the
creation of new technical teaching aids and the use of electronic methods of storing information and
transferring knowledge and practical skills, which include electronic textbooks and multimedia; digital
libraries and archives, educational networks; information retrieval and information reference systems,
etc. At the same time, the active integration of ICT with other technologies encourages the creation
and implementation of innovative educational technologies at higher schools. This is, first of all, the
use of intelligent systems that provide adaptive, problem-heuristic methods of searching and acquiring
knowledge that meet the needs of the training and students’ interests. It is advisable to widely use
artificial intelligence systems related to the search, description, storage, accumulation and transfer of
relevant knowledge (technologies of knowledge representation, cognitive modeling, knowledge
reasoning, automated reasoning, case-based reasoning), as well as related to obtaining important information from various sources and generating hypotheses (technologies of data mining, knowledge
extraction, information retrieval, knowledge discovery, hypothesis generation). Educational
technology integrated with ICT is a purposeful set of interrelated forms, methods and techniques of
teaching and upbringing, implemented using computer-oriented and network systems that ensure the
achievement of the goals, objectives of pedagogical innovation and expected results of training. Their
implementation allows quickly updating training courses in accordance with the needs of forming the
scientific worldview of future professionals.


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Author Biographies

  • Andrii Lytvyn

    Doctor of Science Pedagogy, Professor
    Professor Department of Practical Psychology and Pedagogy
    Lviv State University of Life Safety, Lviv, Ukraine

  • Larysa Rudenko

    Doctor of Science Pedagogy, Senior Researcher
    Professor Department of Practical Psychology and Pedagogy
    Lviv State University of Life Safety, Lviv, Ukraine

  • Mikhaylo Kozyar

    doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor
    Rector of Lviv State University of Life Safety,
    researcher of the department of organization of research activities,
    corresponding member. NAPS of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

INTEGRATION OF INFORMATION-COMMUNICATION AND EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 60, 263-271.