
  • Myroslav Koval
  • Andri Lytvyn
  • Larysa Rudenko


Ключові слова:

professional training, institutions of higher education, information and educational environment, information and communication technologies, informatization of higher education


The new paradigm of education orients the pedagogical community to the variability of
educational systems and institutions, the flexibility and dynamism of the professional training process, its
adaptation to social needs, the demands of the population and employers, and the wide introduction of
modern pedagogical technologies into the educational process. This requires organizational and structural
modernization of administrative, educational, research and other components of higher education
institutions aimed at improving the quality of education, forming the creative personality of a modern
specialist. An important task is the integration of Ukrainian higher education institutions into the
European and global scientific and educational space using the resources of the modern information and
educational environment. The conceptual principles of improving the specialists’ professional training,
aimed at organizing the educational process in the information and educational environment of higher
schools with the aim of increasing specialists’ professional competence with the help of a modernized
training system, are defined, scientifically substantiated and described in detail. Their functional purpose
is clarified – the creation of a theoretical and methodological basis for the design, modeling and
implementation of the optimal process of specialists’ professional education through the formation and implementation of an effective information and educational environment in the regulatory and legal field
of higher education in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and legal acts relating to the quality
of higher education. The expediency of using the potential of IES to strengthen the educational, cognitive
and professional, developmental activity of learners and scientific and pedagogical staff of higher schools
is proven. A number of tasks for the effective implementation of professional training in the information
and educational environment of higher education institutions are outlined. Measures for the creation and
implementation of IES in a higher education institution are suggested.


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Біографії авторів

  • Myroslav Koval

    Doctor of Pedagogical Science, Professor,
    Rector of the Lviv State University of Life Safety,
    Lviv, Ukraine

  • Andri Lytvyn

    Doctor of Science Pedagogy, Professor, Professor Department of Practical Psychology and Pedagogy,
    Lviv State University of Life Safety,
    Lviv, Ukraine

  • Larysa Rudenko

    Doctor of Science Pedagogy, Professor, Professor Department of Practical Psychology and Pedagogy,
    Lviv State University of Life Safety,
    Lviv, Ukraine


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Як цитувати

CONCEPTUAL PRINCIPLES OF IMPROVING SPECIALISTS’ PROFESSIONAL TRAINING IN THE INFORMATION AND EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT AT HIGHER SCHOOL. (2023). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 67, 35-42.

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