
  • O. Shevchuk


primary school, junior pupil, ecology, ecological education, ecological behaviour, junior pupil’s ecological behaviour, types of ecological behaviour, determinants of ecological behaviour


The article analyzes the structure of ecologica behavior and the specifics of brinning up the in
elementary school pupils to form it. The entity of the concept "ecological behavior of junior school pupils "has been
ascertained , the characteristic of the zone of responsibility of junior pupils in the environment has been given. The four
apparent types of environmental behavior of the junior school children are to be singled out: environmentally advisable,
environmentally situational, ecologically indifferent, environmentally destructive, and their characteristics are given as
well. The factors conditioning the behavior of primary school pupils in the environment were determined. Temporally,
according to the impact on the personality they are divided into primary (those actualised exactly at the time of the
conduct) and secondary (delayed in time). Accordingding to the factors that have caused them, the determinants of
ecological behavior of the primary school pupils can be divided into internal and external (implicit/explicit). To the
internal ones we attributed: feeling, thinking and will of a personality, to external – an action, a model for imitation and
passive social control.
In accordance with the described determinants, the main tasks for the formation of ecological behavior of the
primary school pupils are also highlighted. This is the development of emotional sphere, intelligence, volitional qualities,
Practica skills and samples of environmentally appropriate behavior. And in addition to, the formation of the basic
outlook and the system of values at an early stage enables the children to differenciate the concepts of good and evil, in
the environmental context.


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Author Biography

  • O. Shevchuk

    Vinnitsa, Ukraine


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How to Cite

SPECIFIC FORMATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL BEHAVIOR IN PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 51, 74-78. https://vspu.net/sit/index.php/sit/article/view/5375