
  • S. Vdovych
  • L. Zelman


vocational training, vocational education, vocational educational institution, methodology, methodological approach, historical and pedagogical research, skilled worker


The article defines and grounds the main methodological approaches and principles of investigating
the history of the development of vocational education. Educational policy should take into account both achievements
and mistakes of the past; therefore, historical and pedagogical researches are essential as they make it possible to
understand the essence and peculiarities of the educational process in vocational schools in different historical periods,
the influence of social, political and economic factors on the development of education, the role of historical events,
outstanding educators, in the development of education, etc.
Regardless of which period of the development of society is highlighted and when the historical research is
carried out, a scientist, in order to ensure the objectivity and reliability of scientific work, must rely on one or another
methodological approach and adhere to certain principles. In the investigation of the history of the development of
vocational education, the following methodological approaches related to the theory and methodology of vocational
education, general and professional pedagogy are relevant: systematic, synergetic, historical comparative, axiological,
paradigm, modernization, socio-pedagogical, formational and civilization .
Conducting historical and pedagogical research, the researcher must adhere to such basic principles:
objectivity, unity of logical and historical, scientific, fundamental, integrity and systemic, determinism and
indeterminism, unity of theory and practice, ethics, movement from description to explanation.


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Author Biographies

  • S. Vdovych

    Lviv, Ukraine

  • L. Zelman

    Lviv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES AND RESEARCH PRINCIPLES STORIES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF VOCATIONAL AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 51, 79-82.