
  • Olexandra Dubasenyuk
  • Alexander Voznyuk



trends, information technologies, prospective teacher, technologization, information space


In the context of educational changes, the article examines modern challenges and trends in the
introduction of information technologies in the process of training the prospective teachers in Ukraine.
Current directions are highlighted: modernization of education in the context of the challenges of
innovative progress of society and the formation of information civilization; digitalization of education;
European and world integration in the field of education; scientific and methodical support, which has an
information technology orientation. The trends in the development of higher education systems in the
context of global integration processes are highlighted: the emergence and formation of the digital
generation; the development of the network space; the structure of the educational process is oriented at
the development of the ability of the prospective teachers for research, design, and inventive activity;
strengthening the differentiation and individualization of the educational space; creating new generations
of educational programs taking into account the individual trajectory of the prospective teacher's
development; orientation of young people to lifelong learning. The results of conducted research (S.M.
Halytskyi, M.O. Kovalchuk, A.V. Rudyk) are presented, which confirm the outlined trends. Studies have
shown that the modelling of educational processes leads to positive changes in training the prospective
teachers of various specialties under the condition of technological advancement and the introduction of
modern information technologies into the educational process. The latter makes it possible to diversify the
forms and methods of teaching educational disciplines, to strengthen the positive dynamics of knowledge
acquisition, to mould the creative potential in the prospective teachers, thus developing their
purposefulness. responsibility, independence. Research perspectives include: further comparative analysis
of the defined area; increased attention to the systematic use of information technologies in the
educational process; focus on training an intellectually developed mobile personality, capable of
competent orientation in the information space, continuous self-education and self-improvement;
organization of professional training according to an individual educational trajectory.


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Author Biographies

  • Olexandra Dubasenyuk

    Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), professor, professor of the department of pedagogy and
    educational establishment management Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

  • Alexander Voznyuk

    Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor of the department of English with methods of teaching in pre-school and
    primary education
    Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine


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How to Cite

CURRENT TRENDS IN IMPLEMENTATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE PROCESS OF TRAINING THE PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS: EXPERIENCE AND PERSPECTIVES. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 20-30.