
  • Kyrylenko Valerii
  • Kyrylenko Nelya
  • Kryzhanovskyi Andrii



information communication technologies; gaming technologies; computer didactic games; future teachers; creative thinking


The article deals with the methods of improvement of future teachers’ training for the application of information communication technologies in their prospective professional activities via gaming technologies. Innovations introduced in the education process of comprehensive and higher educational establishments are analyzed, attention is concentrated on students’ professional development which is considerably connected with the development of their creative potential. The authors analyze the features of the use of gaming technologies that make education process more interesting and effective. The main approaches to the use of game technologies in the education process are treated and specific methods and examples of their use in the training of future teachers are described. The authors consider the role of gaming technologies and highlight their positive impact on students' motivation to study. As a result of the experiment, the general level of computer literacy of the students increased, along with a significant improvement in their creative thinking. The gaming programs created by them become a product of their own transformative activities contain a pronounced creative component. It was proved that computer didactic games having become a way of dream work and imagination developed intuition, promoted creative thinking, contributed to searching non-standard solutions to solve cognitive problems as introduction of gaming technologies is one of the ways to cope successfully with creative assignments by students. Overall, the article provides important information for educators who train future teachers and other professionals in the field of education who take interest in using game technologies. The authors prove that the use of these technologies can make learning more available and comprehensive in the process of future teachers’ training for professional activities.


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Author Biographies

  • Kyrylenko Valerii

    PhD of Psychological Sciences, Docent, Chair of foreign languages teaching methods Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Vinnytsіa, Ukraine

  • Kyrylenko Nelya

    PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Teacher-methodologist of Information Sciences, Municipal Institution of Higher Education “Vinnytsia Humanities and Pedagogical College” Vinnytsіa, Ukraine

  • Kryzhanovskyi Andrii

    PhD of Pedagogical Sciences, Teacher-methodologist of Information Sciences, Municipal Institution of Higher Education “Vinnytsia Humanities and Pedagogical College” Vinnytsіa, Ukraine


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How to Cite

APPLICATION OF GAMING TECHNOLOGIES IN THE PROCESS OF TRAINING OF FUTURE TEACHERS FOR PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES. (2023). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 69, 43-55.