


STEM-education; STEM-competencies; professional training; future teachers; pedagogical education


The article is devoted to the topical issue of introducing STEM-education into the process of professional training of future teachers. The introduction substantiates the relevance of the research related to the needs of information society for specialists who possess STEM-competencies. The problem statement lies in defining effective strategies, methods, and practices for integrating STEM-approaches into pedagogical education, as well as evaluating their impact on training future teachers for modern educational environments. The analysis of recent research provides insights into the theoretical foundations of STEM-education and the experiences of implementing STEM-approaches in education both in Ukraine and abroad. The theoretical framework of the study is grounded in the works of domestic and international scholars in STEM-education, pedagogy, and psychology. The research results reveal effective strategies, methods, and practices for implementing STEM-approaches in pedagogical education and assess their influence on the formation of STEM-competencies in future teachers. The conclusions summarize the research findings and outline prospects for further research in this field. The article underscores the importance of implementing STEM-education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) in the training process of future teachers. The authors justify the necessity of integrating STEM-competencies into pedagogical practice in light of contemporary educational demands and the job market. They analyze approaches to integrating STEM-education into teacher training programs and highlight methods and tools that facilitate effective preparation of educational professionals with a STEM-component in mind. Furthermore, the article examines the challenges and prospects of implementing STEM-education in higher pedagogical education and provides recommendations for further research and development in this field. The conclusions of the article contribute to understanding and developing strategies for implementing STEM-education in the training of future educators with the aim of enhancing their competitiveness in the modern job market.


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Author Biographies

  • Kyrylenko Valerii

    Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Docent, Department of Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Vinnytsіa, Ukraine

  • Kryzhanovskyi Andrii

    Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Director of the College of Pre-higher Education, Docent of the Department of Informatics and Information Technologies in Education Municipal Institution of Higher Education «Vinnytsia Humanities and Pedagogical College», Vinnytsіa, Ukraine

  • Kyrylenko Nelya

    Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Docent, Head of the Department of Informatics and Information Technologies in Education Municipal Institution of Higher Education «Vinnytsia Humanities and Pedagogical College» Vinnytsіa, Ukraine

  • Maidanyk Olena

    Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Financial-Economic Activities Municipal Institution of Higher Education «Vinnytsia Humanities and Pedagogical College» Vinnytsіa, Ukraine

  • Medvedіev Roman

    Master of Vocational Education (Computer Technologies), Category I Teacher, Department of Informatics and Information Technologies in Education Municipal Institution of Higher Education «Vinnytsia Humanities and Pedagogical College» Vinnytsіa, Ukraine


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How to Cite

IMPLEMENTATION OF STEM EDUCATION IN THE PROCESS OF PROFESSIONALTRAINING OF FUTURE TEACHERS. (2024). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 71, 30-39.