
  • Vitalina Pugach



майбутній правознавець; професійна компетентність; змішане навчання


The search for ways to improve the educational process in higher education in the rapidly
changing conditions of modern social development is a key issue for scientists in various fields of
knowledge. In order to ensure the effective functioning of the economic system and state institutions in
the process of professional training, it is necessary to form in the future specialists of the field of "Law"
the ability not only to use their competences to solve professional tasks, but also the ability to predict the
development and consequences of a certain social situation depending on the adoption or rejection of
normative acts and own legal actions. The article analyzes the approaches of domestic and foreign
scientists to the problem of forming the professional competence of a future specialist in the field of law.
The theoretical analysis of scientific publications on the research problem showed that there are a number
of thorough theoretical and practical studies on the content of professional competence. However, at the
same time, its structural components are sufficiently developed within the framework of the systemic
approach, but in each individual case, further research into their content is required. Taking into account
the analysis of scientific research on the peculiarities of the professional activity of specialists in the field
of law and the results of an expert survey, it is proposed to distinguish the cognitive-active, motivational,
reflective, axiological and informational components in the structure of their professional competence. It
is worth noting that the professional competence of future legal scholars has a complex structure with
non-linear interrelationships between components. We see the prospects for further research in the
definition of criteria, indicators and levels of formation of the professional competence of future
specialists in the field of "Law", in the development of the procedure for its diagnosis, as well as in the
improvement of the educational process by determining the optimal ratio of classroom and remote
components in the conditions of a mixed form of education in the process of developing professional
competence of future legal scholars and the development of appropriate educational and methodological


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Author Biography

  • Vitalina Pugach

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
    Associate Professor of the Department Jurisprudence and Humanities,
    Vinnytsia Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics
    Western Ukrainian National University,
    Vinnytsia, Ukraine


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How to Cite

FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE FUTURE LAWYER. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 174-183.