
  • T. Marinchuk


artistic language, artistic image, means of musical expression, melody, rhythm, harmony, interpretation of music, teacher-musician


The author of the article reveals the main issues of the problem of the students' studying the
artistic language of music during the studying the play of musical instruments, what are based on solid culturological
and art-study works. The problem of understanding the specifics of artistic language of music is considered in the
context of modern scientific views on the main components of the artistic language of culture. The genesis of the
artistic image and its functioning in society are determined for this purpose. The author emphasizes that the process of
learning the play of musical instruments the student receives as executive technical skills, so accustoms to analyze the
expressiveness as the components of artistic language of music. The work on studying the creation in the classroom
using the musical instruments involves a comprehensive analysis of this creation, to fulfill this process we have to add
wide number of phenomena to music and the individual identity of the creation is revealed. Due to the complex
analysis, the essence of the artistic language of musical art becomes clear. The most important thing is studying of the
peculiarities of melody and the rhythms of a musical composition, which are served as objective components of its
artistic-figurative content. The thesis that the analysis of the melodic line of a musical creation is impossible without
paining attention to the specificity of the rhythm is substantiated by the author of the article. It is proved that the
emotional and conscious performance of a musical composition is impossible without understanding its artistic
content, therefore the study of the peculiarities of the artistic language of music is a necessary component of the
lessons of playing musical instruments throughout the student's period of study.


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Author Biography

  • T. Marinchuk

    Vinnitsa, Ukaraine


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How to Cite

ACQUISITION BY STUDENTS OF THE ARTISTIC LANGUAGE OF MUSIC IN THE PROCESS OF LEARNING TO PLAY THE MUSICAL TOOLS. (2022). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 51, 287-291.