


education system; Israel; modern trends; development prospects; future-oriented pedagogy


The article presents the results of the analysis of modern trends in the development of education in Israel, in particular, a thorough analysis of the model of pedagogy aimed at the future is carried out. It has been established that over the past twenty years, the Israeli education system has been looking for answers to the challenges of globalization, in particular for this purpose the Israeli Ministry of Education has created a special unit for future-oriented education planning. According to the scheme developed by Israeli specialists, all trends, both global and specifically Israeli, are divided into six types: social, technological, economic, ecological, political, pedagogical. The trends listed above are considered by Israeli specialists not only as challenges or problems, but primarily as opportunities to achieve the desired result. The researched data show that the Israeli model of future-oriented pedagogy is built on six main principles: the principle of personality (or personalization), the cooperative principle (or partnership principle), the principle of informality, the principle of glocality, the principle of transformation, the principle of inclusion of identity and personal purpose . It follows from the wording of these principles that Israeli researchers in the field of education consider it necessary to adapt the education system to the personal needs of a particular student. It was concluded that there are certain features in the Israeli education system that should be considered in order to use their individual principles in the Ukrainian education system. The positive aspect of the future-oriented Israeli model of education is that the rapid changes of modern times are seen not as a problem, but as an opportunity, the ability to quickly respond to the changes currently taking place in the global educational space.


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Author Biography

  • Alina Voіevoda

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Algebra and Methods of Mathematics Teaching, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine


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