


preschool children, speech, speech creativity, storytelling by picture, integration, speech activity, visual activity


The article reveals the peculiarities of the development of preschool children's speech creativity by means of artistic painting. The authors touch upon the problem of integration of speech and visual activities of senior preschoolers. The researchers believe that among the numerous methodological approaches, an integrated approach to the organisation of the educational process in preschool education is gaining popularity. The article describes an adapted methodology for preparing for independent composing a text based on a picture by I. Lapshyna. Preparation for independent composing of a story is divided into 8 steps: step 1 - 1-2 days, step 2 - 2 days, steps 3-7 - 1 day each, step 8 - classes on the development of coherent speech. This form of work with preschool children helps to enrich vocabulary, form grammatical correctness of speech, improve the level of dialogue and monologue speech, form aesthetic taste and basic personality qualities. Works of fine art of different genres are used for  preschoolers' speech and creative activity: landscapes, portraits, still lifes. In order to develop preschool children's speech creativity by means of artistic paintings, the authors advise using various game techniques, namely: «Binoculars», «Telescope», «Hunting for parts», «Scavengers», «Looking for friends», «Time Machine», «Frame», entering the picture, making riddles, etc. The scientists describe children's occasionalisms and distinguish their types, in particular: occasionalisms that indicate an increase in a certain concept, phenomenon, object, creature, etc.; occasionalisms that indicate a decrease in a concept, phenomenon, object, creature, etc.; occasionalisms that are devoid of the content of sound complexes. The authors of the article emphasise that the integration of speech and visual activities is the key to the effective formation of preschool children's speech competence.


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Author Biographies

  • Kryvosheya Tetiana

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool Education Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Vinnytsia, Ukraine

  • Kolesnik Kateryna

    Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D, Associate Professor of the Department of Preschool Education Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Vinnytsia, Ukraine

  • Karuk Inna

    doctor of philosophy, Ph.D, Senior Lecturer
    of the Department of Preschool Education
    Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
    Vinnytsia, Ukraine

  • Pokhyla Svitlana

    Assistant of the Department of Primary Education Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Vinnytsia, Ukraine


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How to Cite

DEVELOPMENT OF SPEECH CREATIVITY OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN THROUGHART PICTURES: INTEGRATION OF SPEECH AND PICTURE CREATIVE ACTIVITIES. (2024). Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 71, 82-90.